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Electric City Trolley Station and Museum
Store Catalog

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Please contact a customer sales representative at the Museum on (570) 963-6590 to order.

FAX inquiries can be sent to: (570) 963-6447

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Electric City Trolley Station and Museum
Museum Store
300 Cliff St.
Scranton, PA 18503

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This catalog listing represents items in stock or on order as of August, 2005. Some items may be out of stock or no longer available.

Table of Contents:

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Laurel Line - An Anthracite Region Railway by James N.J. Henwood and John G. Muncie -published by Tribute Books-214pp.
Laurel Line - An Anthracite Region Railway New Second Edition with improved photo reproduction. Based on the survival of the Laurel Line's corporate records, authors Henwood and Muncie make the most out of this historical treasure. In the book, the railway emerges in human terms of strife, struggle, victory and defeat. The reader learns not only what happened, but why, and who made it happen. All railroads and interurban railways are interesting if properly researched - the Laurel Line as portrayed in this work is profoundly interesting. Many classic photographs from Edward S. Miller and other rail photographers illustrate the story. Reproductions of maps, car plans and other memorabilia are also presented.
Softcover $39.95

History of the J. G. Brill Company by Debra Brill-published by Indiana University Press-272pp., 289 b&w photos & line drawings

History of the J. G. Brill Company A fascinating variety of open, closed, convertible, and semi-convertible cars, propelled by horse, steam, cable, and electricity, parade through the pages of this book. These old cars have a hold on the affections of many, and hundreds of them have been preserved in museums throughout the world. From a small horsecar-building firm established in 1868, the J. G. Brill Company grew to be a world leader in a rapidly evolving and growing industry that at the time of the First World War was the fifth largest in the United States. Besides its successful line of trolleys and other electric cars, Brill built horsecars, cable cars, narrow-gauge and gas-propelled cars for railroads, and even buses and trolley buses. The Brill policy was to build whatever the customer wanted. With no job considered too small or too peculiar, some delightfully wacky cars were produced. Appendix A lists many of the world's trolley museums and tourist trolley lines where Brill cars can be found, and gives a list of all cars built by the firm. Appendix B lists the trucks and other specialties of the Brill Company. Debra Brill is a great-great-great-granddaughter of John George Brill, the founder of the J. G. Brill Company. Curiosity regarding the family business and an interest in historical writing prompted her to embark on a mission to unearth as much information as possible about the Brill Company and record the facts for posterity. Through a better understanding of Brill Company management and exposure to previously unpublished office documents concerning the later years of the company, the reader will also gain new insights into the Brill/ERPCC/Brilliner situation.
Hardcover $49.95

Bay Shore Park - Fun on the Chesapeake by Fr. Kevin A. Mueller - 90pp.
Bay Shore Park Softcover $12.95

California Trolleys In Color Volume 1: San Diego & Los Angeles by P. Allen Copeland - 128pp.
California Trolleys Hardcover $59.95 - Limited Quantity Available

Confessions of a Brooklyn Trolley Dodger by Stan Fischer, Author of Uptown, Downtown
Confessions of a Brooklyn Trolley Dodger Hardcover $24.95

Gotham Turnstiles-IRT-BMT-IND Divisions-Newark City Subway-South Brooklyn Railway-Hudson & Manhattan PATH-Staten Island Rapid Transit by John Henderson
Gotham Turnstiles Softcover $33.95

Gravity Railroad-History of the Pennsylvania Coal Company Railroad 1850-1885 by Mary Theresa �T.C.� Connolly � 54pp.
The Gravity Softcover $12.00

Hazelton Trolleys by Benson W. Rohrbeck � 140pp
Hazelton Trolleys Softcover $17.75

Illinois Terminal In Color Volume II by William D. Volkmer - 128pp
Illinois Terminal Vol II Hardcover $54.95 - Limited Quantity Available

McKeesport Trolleys-A Piece of the Past by Ronald L. Beal � 216pp.
McKeesport Trolleys Softcover $39.95

North American Street Railways at Mid Century by Allen H. Berner
Softcover $25.00

Oil Region Trolleys by Benson W. Rohrbeck -92pp. + 4 maps
Softcover $13.75

Pennsylvania Street Railways by Benson W. Rohrbeck - 288pp.
Softcover $35.00

Pennsylvania Trolley Photo Album Volume I - The Philadelphia Transportation Company by Benson W. Rohrbeck
Softcover $10.00

Pennsylvania Trolley Photo Album Volume II - The Pittsburgh Railways Company -32pp
Softcover $10.00

The Pennsylvania Turnpike-A History 1940-2000 by Dan Cupper �56pp.
PA Turnpike Softcover $5.00

Pittsburgh Railways Volume One by Ronald L. Beal
Pittsburgh Railways Softcover $65.00

Scranton Road - The Life and Times of Edward Baker Sturges by Louise Sturges DeDera - 108pp.
Scranton Road Hardcover $15.00

Scranton�s Trolleys by Benson W. Rohrbeck � 118pp.
Scranton's Trolleys Softcover $14.00

Shamokin & Edgewood Electric Railway Company by Chuck Yungkurth
Softcover $17.75

The Subway, A trip through time on New York�s Rapid Transit by Stan Fischler � 256pp.
An enlarged, updated version of the classic best seller �Uptown, Downtown�
Special Bonus-A detailed guide to Enjoying the Subways
Special Bonus-Over 150 Photos of the New York Subways new and old
The Subway Hardcover $29.95, Softcover $24.95

The Trolley-Triumph of Transportation by William M. Moedinger � 32pp.
Trolley-Triumph of Transportation Softcover $2.50

Traction Planbook-New Second Edition by Carstens Publication � 98pp.
Traction Planbook Softcover $9.95

Trolleys of the Lebanon Valley, PA by Benson W. Rohrbeck � 120pp.

West Chester Street Railway Co. by Benson W. Rohrbeck
West Chester Street Railway Co. Softcover $10.50


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Ed Miller�s Anthracite Traction-Laurel Line, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton by Transit Gloria Mundi
Anthracite Traction Video $29.95 - 1 hour

The Birney Safety Car
The Birney Safety Car Video $29.95 - 52 minutes

Brill Cars
Brill Cars Video $29.95 - 55 minutes

End of the Line, Rochester's Subway by Benson W. Rohrbeck
$29.95 - 52 minutes

Keystone State Trolleys-World War II until Public Authorities 1939-1969 by Benson W. Rohrbeck
Keystone State Video $29.95 - 52 minutes

Mid-West Traction
Mid-West Traction Video $21.95 - 1 hour

Milwaukee Traction
$21.95 - 1 hour

PCCs on Parade Part One by GPS Video
PCCs on Parade Part One Video $32.00 - 1 hour

Philadelphia Trolleys Two by GPS Video
Philadelphia Trolleys Two Video $32.00 - 1 hour

Philadelphia's Streetcar Route 23
Philadelphia's Streetcar Route 23 Video $21.95 - 30 minutes

Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Company by GPS Video
Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Company Video $33.95 - 90 minutes

Pittsburgh Traction by Railroad Video Productions
Pittsburgh Traction Video $21.95 - 1 hour

Riding Philadelphia Trolleys on the Media and Sharon Hill Lines
$21.95 - 1 hour

Steel City Traction-The Southside Lines by Transit Gloria Mundi
Steel City Traction-The Southside Lines Video $39.95 - 1 hour 45 minutes

Steel City Traction 2-West End Story by Transit Gloria Mundi
Steel City Traction-West End Story Video $39.95 - 48 minutes

Steel City Traction 3-The North Side by Transit Gloria Mundi
$39.95 - 1 hour

St. Louis Cars
St. Louis Cars Video $29.95 - 55 minutes

Trolley-The Cars That Built Our Cities by Transit Gloria Mundi
Trolley Video $19.95 - 1 hour

Trolleys of Boston - Trackside
$21.95 - 1 hour


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Corgi Philadelphia PCC Trolley
Corgi Philadelphia PCC Unpowered $70.00

Brooklyn, Baltimore or Toronto Corgi PCC Trolley
Unpowered $70.00

�Lackawanna County� Brill Trolley Car-IHC HO Birney
IHC HO Lackawanna County Brill Trolley Unpowered $16.95

Limited Edition Powered Corgi Philadelphia PCC Trolley
Corgi Philadelphia PCC-Powered Powered $239.95

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