Electric City Trolley Museum Association
Technical Archives
The J. G. Brill Company
Specifications for
Twelve (12) 47' 10" Centre Entrance Vestibule Motor Bodies
Many years ago, Jim Donley, foreman of the Red Arrow Llanerch barn, allowed ECTMA member David Biles
to copy the specifications of the J.G. Brill Center Door order of the #65 to #76 series. With car #76
now being the operating car at the Electric City Trolley Museum, Dave has
provided a copy of the original specifications which has been scanned and processed through an optical character recognition
program. Please click on the heading below to go to the scanned file.
Twelve (12) 47' 10" Centre Entrance Vestibule Motor Bodies
Mounted on Brill Patented #27 MCB 2 X Trucks
for Philadelphia & West Chester Traction Company,
Philadelphia, Penna.

In the 1920's, the R. S. & B. (Rolling Stock & Buildings?) Department of the Philadelphia
Rapid Transit Company (PRT) produced a handbook of Electrical Instruction Prints. There are
approximately 335 prints grouped by categories such as Air Circuits, Buzzer Circuits,
Controller Connections, etc. They are sequentially numbered, although numbers were left unused
for additions in each category. Each print is approximately 5 x 7 inches and there are a few
fold-out two page prints for particularly complex circuits such as those associated with two
car Hog Island car trains. Based on the classes of cars included, the book was produced about
1925 and most of the prints appear to be from that date. However, a number of the motor
connection prints were revised in 1931 and there is one print dated in the 1940's. While the
handbook is specific to the Philadelphia car fleet, many of the drawings are for generic
combinations of control and motor equipment and there is a section devoted to Useful
Information with basic electrical properties and conversion table data.
Two different methods of displaying the prints are listed below. The first presents an index
and images of the individual prints can be selected. The second will display all of the prints
in sequential order.
Index of the Prints
Images of All Prints